
Things I've learned that help me navigate my relationships better.

Mark Rabo Mark Rabo

More time with less people

Last night I went to a birthday get together for a good friend of mine. It was different from most get-togethers because there were only seven of us, total. It reaffirmed to me that you don't need hundreds of friends to feel connected.

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Mark Rabo Mark Rabo

The trends putting stress on our relationships

We know more people than ever, they are more important than ever, but we are busier than ever.

The world is changing in ways that is putting stress on our relationships. We meet more people, we work more hours, we have more responsibilities. As we rush from one thing to another, it’s easy to forget to stay in touch with important people in our lives. We could use some help.

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Mark Rabo Mark Rabo

Facebook has ruined birthdays

It’s 9:30am and you already have 100 birthday wishes in your timeline, but which ones are from real friends? When Facebook removed the effort they removed the meaning.

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