Revere App

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NEW: Hey Siri, welcome to Revere!

Life gets busy, and when we’re running from one thing to another, there’s little time to stop and type. But you know what’s still easy to do while walking… talking! That’s why we added Siri to Revere. Because notes are only useful if you take them.

Siri makes it effortless to capture a note no matter what you’re doing. One way to use Siri + Revere is when you’ve just met with someone. You’ve talked, caught up, and there are a bunch of things you want to remember for next time. So, as you’re walking to the subway or car, just ask Siri to “Put a note in Revere”. Now dictate your note and you’re done – no typing, no stopping. Next time you open Revere that note will be ready and waiting in your Note Inbox.

Super Useful Tip: Siri can sometimes get excited and interrupt when you’re talking. To take a note at your pace, hold down the side button (or home button, depending on your phone) and Siri will keep listening until you let go – super handy for longer notes or when you just want to collect your thoughts.

Siri for Revere is available now and can be enabled in Revere’s settings.